Roof Coatings for Commercial Flat Roofs

Roof coating is a logical solution to extending the life of your commercial flat roof. Clearview Construction has quality material used in the process of coating flat commercial roofs.

Roof coatings are polymer based liquid compounds that are either sprayed or rolled directly onto your existing roof. Applied correctly, this system creates a seamless, water-tight membrane that will increase the life of flat roofs, mitigate cracks, punctures and damage caused by inclement weather and resting water.

Clearview Construction stands behind our work by applying proper procedures to the roof coating process. This includes the cleaning and drying procedure(s) necessary to ensure the proper installation. Qualified, trained personnel that will apply the coating and options for warranty of the product.

Roof coating can be applied to roofs that have had previous coating done to them. Our qualified inspectors can inspect and deduce whether your roof is suitable for a re-coating.

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